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== Історія ==
== Історія ==
This is the basis for the song "Where have all the flowers gone?"
The lyrics of this song inspired "Where have all the flowers gone?"

== Переклад ==
== Переклад ==

Revision as of 18:19, 6 October 2018

Де ж ти була?
Коні стерегла,
Що вистерегла?
Коня з сідлом,
З золотим махром...
А де ж твій кінь?
За ворітьми стоїть.
А де ж ті ворота?
Вода унесла.
А де ж тії гуси?
В очерет пішли.
А де ж той очерет?
Дівки вижали.
А де ж тії дівки?
Дівки заміж пішли.
А де ж ті козаки?
На війну пішли...


The lyrics of this song inspired "Where have all the flowers gone?"


Переклад: Данило Сенторе
Koloda Duda,
Where have you been?
Minding the horses...
Which horse were you minding?
The horse with the saddle,
With a golden fringe...
And where is your horse?
It's standing outside the gates...
And where are these gates?
Water has carried them away...
So where are the geese?
They went amidst the reeds...
And where are these reeds?
Girls have gathered them...
And where are these girls?
They went off to be married...
And where are their Cossacks?
They went off to war...
