Гуцулка Ксеня

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Слова: Роман Савицький
Музика: Іван Недільський
Можливо на основі: "Гуцулка Ксеня" - Ярослав Барнич
Темна нічка гори вкрила
Темна нічка гори вкрила
Полонину всю залила,
Полонину всю залила,
А в ній постать сніжно-біла
А в ній постать сніжно-біла
Гуцул Ксеню в ній пізнав.
Гуцул Ксеню в ній пізнав.
Він дивився в очі сині,
Тихо спершись на соснині,
І слова ніжні, любовні
Він до неї промовляв:
Гуцулко Ксеню,
Гуцулко Ксеню,
Я тобі на трембіті
Я тобі на трембіті
Лиш одній в цілім світі
Лиш одній в цілім світі
Розкажу про любов.
Розкажу про любов.
Душа страждає,
Звук трембіти лунає,
А що серце кохає,
Бо гаряче, мов жар.
Вже пройшло гаряче літо,
Гуцул іншу любить скрито,
А гуцулку чорнобриву
Він в останню ніч прощав.
В Черемоші грали хвилі
Сумували очі сині
Тільки вітер на соснині
Сумно пісню вигравав.



Barnych's variant can be found here: Гуцулка Ксеня (Барнич)

  • Темна нічка гори вкрила
  • Сині гори нічка вкрила
  • Полонину всю залила,
  • Полонину всю сповила
  • Тихо спершись на соснині,
  • Спершись тихо на соснині,
  • І слова ніжні, любовні
  • І слова ті без зупину
  • Він до неї промовляв:
  • На трембіті тужно грав
  • Розкажу про любов.
  • Про свій жаль розкажу
  • Бо гаряче, мов жар.
  • Бо гаряче, як жар.
  • Вже пройшло гаряче літо,
  • Тай пройшло гаряче літо,
  • Гуцул іншу любить скрито,
  • Гуцул любив іншу скрито,
  • Він в останню ніч прощав.
  • Він в останній раз прощав.
  • Тільки вітер на соснині
  • Тільки вітер по долині
  • Сумно пісню вигравав.
  • Сумно, тужно пісню грав.


There is considerable disagreement over the authorship of "Гуцулка Ксеня" and we may never know with any degree of certainty who wrote the earliest variant. The version of the lyrics sung today seem to be by Роман Савицький while Ярослав Барнич's lyrics differ substantially.

Ксеня (nee Бурачинська) Данилишин claimed for her entire life that Савицький, her uncle, wrote and composed the song in her honor and later got into an argument with Barnych, who had stolen the song from him. This apparently occurred at an event in Шешори in August 1938 hosted by Ksenia's mother, Ірина Борочинська, when Ksenia was 7 years old. Ksenia was selected as "Queen" of the night and to honor her, Савицький claimed to have written the song for her, with Іван Недільський writing the music.

Ярослав Барнич claimed to have written the song around the same time, and in 1938 he used it as part of an opera called "Гуцулка Ксеня". Барнич's version is substantially different than Савицький's.

It's possible that Савицький wrote the original and Барнич rewrote it, thinking it was a folk song. Барнич heavily reworked folk songs in the past (e.g. Конику ґальоп) so this would be consistent with past behavior. When it was called out that Савицький wrote the original, perhaps Барнич continued to insist that he composed it for fear of losing the rights to the song (or to his opera), or because he had told Ксеня Клиновська that he wrote the song for her and didn't want to admit that he hadn't.

It's also possible that Барнич wrote the original and Савицький rewrote it for his niece, and when it was called out that Барнич actually wrote it he doubled down for fear of disappointing his niece, neighbors, and students, with whom the song had become very popular.

The song was later registered in the Soviet Union as having lyrics by Савицький and music by Недільський. A number of other songs commonly attributed to Барнич were also registered to Савицький (e.g. Червоні маки). Some claim that this was because Barnych was now in America and/or dead and they wouldn't be able to perform the song if copyright permission could not be obtained. It's possible that this is completely false, completely true, or perhaps false for some songs but true for others (e.g. maybe Гуцулка Ксеня was actually written by Савицький and stolen by Барнич, but then Савицький stole Барнич's other works for copyright purposes).

The lyrics which are sung today are Савицький's variant. Барнич's lyrical variant is almost completely unknown.

Some sources: